Wilson’s Transformation

I absolutely love this video and this story. Wilson is a new friend who I got to meet at a recent retreat, and we actually shared a tent with another friend while camping. He’s got a great testimony and was kind enough to share it via video.

Wilson also wrote and references this article in the video: “Be Ye Transformed


I am Wilson, and I’m a Christian Naturist. My whole life, I’ve kind of felt like I was a naturist at heart. I always, uh, liked being naked, enjoyed being naked. I looked for opportunities to be naked. And, uh, I’ve always felt that that was wrong. I thought it was against my Christian religion.

And, um, I have been hardcore into pornography. Looking around, searching online, I stumbled across the term Christian Naturism and I saw where they had a church that, it was in a naturist park, and they had, uh, services there. And I thought it was just evil people, you know, sinful people trying to cover up their sin and, you know, just kind of dismissed it, and continued on in the porn. And I happened to stumble across Aching for Eden. One of the articles there just kind of caught my attention and I tried to dismiss it, but it, later on, when I was in the middle of my porn, again, wasting hours and hours of time, that came to mind.

And I looked it up and I started digging, and I found out that it’s not against Christianity to be naked, you know, as long as it’s nonsexual and there’s the right motives and things. And there’s nothing wrong with it. And I’ve come to accept it since then.

I’ve been a Christian all my life, but I’ve struggled again with the naturism thinking that I was sinning. And now I know that that’s not the case, it’s amazing. It used to be that I would see a woman clothed, naked, online, whatever, and there was lust and a lot of times with clothed, it was even worse because of the way she was dressed provocatively or whatever. And there was lust in my heart.

I couldn’t stop looking at porn. I would go for weeks, sometimes months, sometimes I’ve been probably a couple years at a time without it. But I always come back to my vomit, just like the Bible says, or like a dog returns to his vomit and a fool returns to his folly. And that was me over and over and over and over.

And I started doing all my research, read all the articles on Aching for Eden. I did some other article articles. I reached out to Phil who owns the site, and he recommended some other resources.

And I looked them up and started digging and looking at the Bible verses themselves and just researching. Then I went through the, My Chains Are Gone website. And when I read that first beginning of My Chains are Gone, It was me. I was in the pit of filth. And I was tired of being in that pit of filth. And I went through the whole website. It goes in order, you know, the things that you’re supposed to see. And I was amazed that I lost the desire for the porn. I just, it’s gone, and the lust is just gone. And I can look at a woman clothed, unclothed, it doesn’t matter now. And there’s no lust in my heart. And, and there’s no desire for porn.

I had tried to give up porn. I had, you know, gotten rid of my websites that I had on my computer, my pictures that I had on my computer in the past. And I would do it reluctantly because I didn’t really want to do it. I wanted to want to do it, but I just didn’t want to do it, you know? And, um, this time it was different. I wanted to get rid of it, and I didn’t ever wanna see it again, because I didn’t ever want to objectify any woman.

I’m amazed now. We’re at a naturist retreat here, and we see both genders, and it’s just people. I see people, I don’t see, you know, a really hot-looking woman or anything. I just see people, you know, honest to God, people that are created in God’s image, and there’s no desire, no lust.

I’m amazed, I’m still amazed this happened about, what, eight months ago, I think. And I’m just still amazed that it’s happened because I begged God for it all my life. He finally led me to the right site, to get the right knowledge, to get his truth. And it’s gone. And I’m just shocked. I’m amazed.

Somebody had been searching [for porn], stumbled across my article that I wrote for Aching for Eden, and that was “Be Ye Transformed”. And he became curious, and he reached out to you, and he’s now digging through all the site, just like I was, to try to come to some kind of way of breaking the chains of pornography and the chains of lust. So when you sent me that email, it just totally made my day that I could have written something that helps to draw somebody else into truth, you know? And I’ve done something, some little something to help with furthering god’s cause and God’s kingdom and maybe possibly helping somebody else break the chains of sin that’s plagued them all their life. And it just, it meant so much to me, and I hope there’s more, but if there’s not, there was one, and I’m, you know, I’m happy.

So Satan hates God’s image, and he has led the church down a path of believing that our image is shameful. He’s deceived the church. And the church has just bought into it completely. And Hollywood says the body, naked body equals sex. Um, pornography says the naked body equals sex. And the church says the naked body equals sex. And that’s something that really struck me is that the church is totally agreeing with Hollywood and pornography. 99.9% of the movies that have nudity in it, it’s about sex. And that’s what’s been drilled into our heads. And it doesn’t have to be that way.