You Might be a Naturist If…

Jeff Foxworthy is most known for his comedic bits where after he describes a funny scenario he says his famous tagline as only he can, “…you might be a redneck.” In the same spirit, I asked a few of my friends what they thought would be scenarios where we could also say, “…you might be a naturist.” Thanks to everyone who contributed. Here are the results. Feel free to add more in the comments section!

You might be a naturist if you remove the wardrobe to make the bedroom bigger.

You might be a naturist if you give a fellow naturist a gift voucher from a clothing shop just to wind them up and see the look on their face when they see it 😅.

You might be a naturist if you add to your vocabulary such terms as textile (to describe a person or location), Donald Ducking, butt towel, smoothie (also to describe a person), and permanude.

You might be a naturist if your new camper has only been to one textile campground.

You might be a naturist if Donald Ducking it by the campfire seems normal and reasonable instead of weird and perverted.

You might be a naturist if your neighbor comes over, and while talking they ask you, “Did you forget to get dressed this morning?”

You might be a naturist if you have never played pickle ball with clothes on.

You might be a naturist if you’re playing cornhole at a church event and blame your misses on the fact that you’re wearing clothes.

You might be a naturist if lower fall temperatures don’t excite you as much as they used to.

You might be a naturist if naked football in the snow sounds like (and is) a great idea… same goes with naked snow angels!

You might be a naturist if you can revert to childlike fun in a nanosecond.

You might be a naturist if your first thought when you’re enjoying an outdoor activity around other people is, “This would be perfect if we could be nude.”

You might be a naturist if you’re driving through the country and marking all the places you wish you could explore au naturel.

You might be a naturist if the first question you have about a destination is “where can I get naked?”

You might be a naturist if you find yourself thinking, “I wish this grocery store (or fill in the blank) was clothing-optional.”

You might be a family-friendly naturist if you wish you could take your kid to a place where everyone is naked.

You might be a naturist if you know those waves of relaxation and quiet joy when your clothes hit the floor.

You might be a naturist if you only do laundry once a month and feel bad because it’s only a quarter of a load or less. 😁

You might be a naturist if your dirty clothes hamper is only towels.

You might be a naturist if when clothes go on sale, you aren’t even interested.

You might be a naturist if you spend more on towels than clothes.

You might be a naturist if your beach towels are monogrammed.

You might be a naturist if you find the “towel dance” in the locker room amusing.

You might be a naturist if you never wear clothes or you find excuses to not wear clothes.

You might be a naturist if you go on vacation, and only pack clothes for the trip there and back. (Or just re-wear the same clothes you drove there in.)

You might be a naturist if you don’t have tan lines.

You might be a naturist if you have to dress to answer the door.

You might be a naturist if you have to dress to walk the dog.

You might be a naturist if your dog gets excited when you get dressed.

You might be a naturist if you have trouble deciding on a furry robe or plain robe before going outside.

You might be a naturist if you’re about to leave but forgot you’re nude.

You might be a naturist if the rest of the family asks you to put on clothes during family photo events.

You might be a naturist if the thought of wearing clothes to sleep in or swim in actually both confuses and offends you.

You might be a naturist if you struggle being envious over someone else’s RV, or golf car, or hot tub setup.

You might be a naturist if you think that a key lanyard would be a perfect gift. 😁

You might be a naturist if you can’t participate in pajama day during spirit week (because you have no pajamas and you can’t show up in your naked pjs).

You might be a naturist if when people scroll through your phone’s photo album you warn them there may be nude pictures in there.

You might be a naturist if you see a photo of nudists dining and you’re more interested in what they are eating than the fact they are nude.

You might be a naturist if you zoom up on a nude photo just to read a tattoo.

You might be a naturist if you always forget to close the bathroom door.

You might be a naturist if you use urinals without dividers without even thinking.

You might be a naturist if you can’t open your Christian website on public WiFi because it’s blocked due to the word nudist or naturist in it.

You might be a naturist if the answer to the question “Who wears the pants in this relationship?” is “no one!”

You might be a naturist if everything seems better nude.

You might be a naturist if you realize that nudity is just not a big deal – at least not in the way that you’ve been conditioned to think it is!

You might be a Christian naturist if you tell your non-nudist friends interesting facts from the Bible. “Oh yes, Jesus was baptized nude.”

You might be a naturist if you spread the true freedom in naturism like you spread the gospel.

You might be a naturist if you see inherent beauty and worth in every body.

19 thoughts on “You Might be a Naturist If…

  1. Paul B

    I get home from work and gear off. Because my commute is a motorcycle, there’s a lot of gear. My wife’s a clean freak. When she’s home it goes straight away. If she’s still at work, it’s all over the floor, then I put it away.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. jeffnkr

    This is great! I think all of these could be summed up, this way: “You might be a naturist if you’re not stressed out about things that your non-nudist friends fret over: clothes, imperfect bodies, and the latest gadgets (you prefer face-to-face interaction with the people who are important to you).

    Liked by 3 people

    • Paul B

      Does anyone else struggle with naturist social media. ‘Coffee time’ + photo. I crave the face to face. That is why I tend not to post photos. It doesn’t feel the same. I prefer face to face. When I started my body acceptance journey, I lived in Toowoomba, Queensland. I the only naturist resort near me has a strict couples only policy. My wife is supportive, but will not join me, so that excludes a lot of places. I camped at a clothing optional retreat 2.5 hours drive away. Toowoomba is in the colder part of Queensland and as a motorcyclist I tend to be more comfortable with cooler temperatures than most. It was still spring, so I tended to be more naked than other campers. Also, I had the Monday off work, so I had gone on Sunday. Most people were packing when I was setting up. There were few conversations, but I found that they were different than normal. People look you in the eye, and doing the same becomes easy.

      A year ago, my wife and moved to northern Tasmania. We had come down to do a 4 day hike and both got work. We parked our camper trailer and car up and flew back to Queensland. My wife collected what she could fit into a couple of suitcases and flew back to Tasmania. I had 2 weeks more work to do and I had to get my bike to the ferry in near Melbourne. Because of flood damage to the fastest highway, I had to take a major detour. What would have been a 2 day ride became a 4 1/2 day road trip, staying with friends and relatives I hadn’t seen in a long time. I also took the time to visit 3 legal clothing optional beaches on my way. I don’t know what it is like in other parts of the world, but it was almost entirely men. But the few conversations I had were the same. Talking about normal stuff, but in a very open way.

      The town house we are renting has a small, but very private, backyard. This has led me to be more and more not dressed when the weather is not cold. But the naturist community here is even more hidden than in the part of Queensland I lived in. That has left me with social media and the main point of connection. But is it really connecting? A number of years ago, my wife did a basic Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN) course. The amount of meaning that we convey with just our words is actually tiny. Most meaning comes through non verbal cues. Photos give a bit, but not the same. My observation is that clothing covers those non-verbals in a similar way.

      Sorry, I wanted to write a reply, but I wrote a post. A result of this is that I’ve messaged the Australian Naturist Federation to hopefully make contact with the community down here and I’ve joined Christian Naturist Fellowship.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. waca1

    It’s not until you leave Queensland, and move to somewhere like Tasmania , that you appreciate how great the weather and laid back life is in Queensland. I can live 365 days nude in Queensland. I don’t live in Toowoomba..Just wish there were free beaches here like everywhere else in Australia. Trust you have a great nude time in tassie.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Paul B

    Unfortunately Tasmania is the other state with no free beaches. We have laws which allow councils to designate them. The other fun thing is the UV. You get sunburned in 10 minutes if you’re not careful. But do beautiful. Queensland is also beautiful. Just a different kind of beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

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