In Appreciation

The other morning, as I was running around preparing for another day, something caught my attention out the window. The sky was a mixture of the most amazing colors! (I wish a picture could do it justice.) Hues of orange, pink, purple, blue and yellow met my eyes and caused me to stop in my tracks! It literally took my breath away! It held my gaze for about 5 seconds and then I had the thought, “I have to tell everyone!” I told my daughter. I ran to Phil who was still in bed and pulled up the blinds on the window and said “you have to see this!” His response was, “WOW!” I immediately got on a group text message with my mom and sisters to tell them they needed to look at the sunrise (I did it yesterday too by the way). My little sister had beat me to it. She told us it was so beautiful it brought her to tears. Another sister told us her 5 year old daughter came in and woke her up to tell her she needed to see the sunset. Haha. Needless to say my family has a real appreciation for sunrises and sunsets. Our mom instilled that in us. For as long as I can remember that’s been the case. There were mornings growing up that she would wake us up early for the sole purpose of wanting to share the beauty of the sunrise with us.

The same with sunsets. We live out in the country and the sunsets are spectacular! There have been many summer nights that we’ve sat around in the yard after a long day, talking and watching in awe as the colors explode across the sky. The words we usually say are something like, “Isn’t God amazing?”, “Thank you Lord for the beautiful gift of this sunset!”, “He (God) is quite the artist”. I love those moments.

This morning got me thinking though when I said in our group text, “Mom gave us all an appreciation for sunrises and sunsets”. All of the sudden it wasn’t literal sunrises and sunsets on my mind, but figurative ones. The sun is setting on their life, or job, or relationship or season. Do we take the time to stop and appreciate the sunsets of those things or do we hurry along to the next sunrise without enjoying the beauty of the sunset? 

We often give greater importance to the sunrises in life. New babies, new jobs, new relationships, new friends. We are a culture enamored with the new. Those sunrises are definitely deserving of the adoration and excitement! They are beautiful in so many ways. They keep life fresh and alive and bring joy to living! These things are absolutely gifts from God and we should stop and take the time to appreciate the beauty of them! But what if we only appreciated the beginning of things? How sad it would be to miss the sunsets of life!

We are usually good about appreciating the sunset of someone’s life itself. We have beautiful funerals and memorials for those we love when they pass away. But did we stop to appreciate the stages of the sunset? It’s amazing how quickly the sunsets change in the evening sky. The colors change in literal seconds and you can be greeted with a whole different view. Here are some examples. My parents are getting older. We’ve been spending a lot of time with them lately and I’ve begun to see some glimpses of the sunset. Hopefully we have many years left with them, but they aren’t as young as they used to be. I don’t like seeing this sunset, but I do want to cherish the beautiful moments that are coming. 

Recently Phil changed jobs. The sun has set on his former employment. While we are thankful the time at that job has come to an end, we have reflected on the importance that job had in our lives for so long and the many lessons we had learned along the way. 

We’ve had the sun set on relationships that we thought would last longer. While those endings weren’t as beautiful as a sunset, we can see how the Lord has used those things to make something beautiful. 

So what does this have to do with naturism? Maybe nothing. I think it has more to do with our faith as Christians first, but maybe then as naturists. 

My reaction when I saw the sunrise was awe and then an urgency to tell those I love. “You have to see this!” As believers do we have that sense of urgency to share with others the ways the Lord is working in our lives? When a prayer is answered, do we feel the need to run and tell people, “look what God did!” or do we utter a quiet thank you under our breath and move about our day. Not that there is anything necessarily wrong with that. I think the Lord appreciates every act of gratefulness. How will the world know how beautiful our Lord is though unless we tell them about it? We don’t even have to wait for an answered prayer, the miracle of Jesus is enough to want to tell everyone!

This week I told my sister about us. It went about how I expected but I definitely left second guessing if I should have told her. The next morning I realized why it felt weird to me. I realized the reason I wanted to tell her wasn’t because I wanted her to know about the naturism itself, but because I wanted to share with her the awesome things God has been doing in my heart and life and one of the biggest tools he’s used is naturism. I couldn’t fully explain what he’s done without sharing about naturism with her.  I wanted to share with her how good God is, not how good naturism is. Although that is true. I’m not sure that came off to her as clearly as I hoped. I’m trusting the Lord to do his work with the information I shared. 

What can God use to show himself to us? I think a better question might be, what can’t he use to show himself to us? I never expected that the Lord would use naturism to show me his beauty! I didn’t even know what it was! Like I’ve said before though, naturism was just the start of the things the Lord used and continues to use to show me his beauty and the beauty of a relationship with his son. Yes, I’m going there, the Lord used the beauty of the sun and my thankfulness for it to remind me of my thankfulness for the beauty of his son and all of the unexpected ways he uses to reach our hearts and draw us closer to him. For that I am very grateful!

11 thoughts on “In Appreciation

  1. John Figleaf

    Mrs. Phil,

    Thank you so much for your article this morning.  It was so thought provoking I had to read it twice.  It definitely left me with a much needed sense of peace, joy and encouragement.

    When you wrote, “But did we stop to appreciate the stages of the sunset” it gave me pause to reflect.  As caregiver to my wife in our sunset years it is often filled with weary tasks, and I often forget to enjoy the sunset we have together.

    In caring for her body in many intimate ways, I was reminded through your writing that her body is still the Image of God and not a burden. It can be part of a beautiful sunset we can enjoy together.

    Thanks for the encouraging words and thoughts. You gave me a renewed focus that will carry me for a while.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. sassycoupleok

    The awe of nature is so inspiring. Made more so for us when we are nude in nature, hiking through beautiful wooded lands or across an open field, absorbing it all as we do so.

    T & K

    Liked by 2 people

  3. davidvogel64

    What a marvelous thought to start my day – I thank you! This sentence seems crucial to understanding: “I wanted to share with her how good God is, not how good naturism is.” The benefits from naturist philosophy and living are because of the ways it helps us see and know God, as well as helping us to know God’s true purpose for our lives. That helps me understand not just how but why to share naturism with others I love. Well done!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Lance Blades

    Thank you so much for this message. It is beautiful and simple on the surface but it is nothing I could randomly duplicate, like those sunrises and sunsets. I can appreciate those too but I am never able to duplicate the beauty and have come to realize they are a gift to me and they are just there to appreciate and enjoy, not stress about immortalizing in a photo.

    May I share your words with my daughter, I think she would appreciate them as well?

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Phil O.

    Whenever we see a sunset or sunrise and Mrs. Phil or anyone says, “It’s beautiful” I quickly reply or whisper to her, “Not as.” meaning “not as beautiful as you.” And I mean it every single time! She knows what I mean. When I say “not as”, I’m claiming that as beautiful as anything is in all of creation, she is the crowning glory and the pinnacle of all creation, at least in my eyes. When God made the sun and the mountains and the trees and rivers, he said “it is good.” After he made woman, he said, “it is very good” and then he rested. I also mean it when I say to Mrs. Phil, “You are the standard by which all beauty is measured.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. waltice1

    Thanks for this beautiful article about Gods beauty and blessings. I know most of tend to rush through life without stopping to “smell the roses.” This article reminds us that there is so much of Gods wonderful beauty out there, and that it is a real blessing to slow down, notice, breathe it in, and thank God for all he is and does.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. rbmears

    What a beautiful way to make us think more about the truly important things in life. Thank you, Mrs. Phil. There are so many things we miss when we don’t stop and contemplate on what God has done in our lives. This was a great bit of writing!

    Liked by 1 person

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