Britain’s Naked Christians

James Dunlop did what he thought he might never do. After making this short documentary on naturism, he went back to a naturist venue and stripped off his clothes. The first time around, he met Peter and Siobhan, who are Christian naturists. This time, that’s his focus of the entire new documentary, Christian Naturism.

He finds Peter and Siobhan of the Christian Naturist Fellowship and many of their friends for a Christian gathering. They and their friends are my friends as well. Even though a huge ocean separates us in physical geography, I’ve interacted with many who are featured in this film via zoom on multiple occasions. They are my online friends on social media and I hope to meet them in person one day.

The film features several different topics worth considering. It’s a great presentation that I hope to share with some textile friends that aren’t prudish about the nudity, so they can better understand us and some of our struggles as Christian naturists, but also the wonderful freedom we enjoy.

Please watch and share!

Watch it here.

7 thoughts on “Britain’s Naked Christians

  1. hyoldguy

    Thanks again for another great video! I have a female cousin who is beginning to explore naturism but is concerned about being overweight and accepted. This video will encourage her a lot.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. jeffnkr

    This is an excellent documentary! It appears to have been made for the average person who is not or not yet a nudist, since genitalia & ladies’ breasts are blurred. But since the video focused on nudists who were CHRISTIANS, I would like to have seen even just a small mention by Peter & Siobhan about their relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. The fact that it isn’t there doesn’t take away from the video; I would just like to have heard it mentioned. It’s a shame that James Dunlop said, at the very end, that he would “probably not” return, though he did acknowledge the benefits of naturism.

    All in all, it’s very-well made. It’s an excellent documentary.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jeffnkr

      I’m not really replying to myself; rather, I’m updating. The response above is not the one that goes with this video; it was to another video James did, at the end of which, he said he “definitely” would not go to a nudist venue again.
      I’m very glad to see that he did. THIS video focused exclusively on CHRISTIAN naturists, whereas the other one focused on nudism among nonChristianst. This one, in my opinion, is MUCH BETTER than the first! Being a Christian, myself, I suppose that might make me a bit biased, but I SO MUCH appreciate THIS video – it presents Christianity is a positive light. It has people with imperfect bodies. The only thing that caused me to wonder was why there were CLOTHED people at the worship service.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. ARBirdman

    The video was surprisingly unbiased! No corny nude jokes and no snarky anti-christian asides that I noticed. Personally, I’ve found naturism to be somewhat addictive in the best sort of way and I’d bet that James Dunlop will find his way back to a nude beach or other naturist venue on day, if not professionally, at least privately.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mk1060

    Nude is lewd, Naked is natural. May God bless all who truly know the difference. Clothing is nothing more than vanity.
    She said it best, “I wear my designers label!” I totally agree with that thought. It’s a shame that we must hide ourselves from others because the world says it’s immoral. I too find it extremely hard to put clothing on as it goes against all God intended for us. Once cleansed through the blood of Christ all things are made new.

    “I’d rather be naked ——

    There’s nothing left to hide, change or be ashamed of at that point”

                                                MNC 6/24

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